Thursday 26 January 2012


Wire clouds


Paper clouds

Cube clouds

This is a type of "reversed" cloud, and instead of trying to make the shape look flowing and round, these artists do the opposite and tackle the clouds shape inspired by cubism.

 Cup clouds

These "clouds" are made up of thousands of cups, creating an unique and round shape

 Pixelated clouds

These clouds are known as "pixel" clouds, by Daniel Arsham made out of thousand small components, creating one large piece of work, in this case a huge cloud.

Cloth clouds

"Folded" origami clouds, made out of textile you can fold and create your own scenes on your wall.

"Head in clouds"

"To design Shang Xia's debut boutique-in an upscale retail complex in Shanghai's onetime French Concession-CEO and artistic director Jiang Qiong Er looked to Tokyo's Kengo Kuma, known for giving contemporary expression to Eastern tradition." -

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